Our principles

Poole People is Poole’s original and only truly independent party. We believe local councillors should try to work together for the benefit of residents and not be forced to vote for policies by their parties. Our councillors are selected for their commitment to their communities and are free to vote with their consciences. Poole People does, though, expect its councillors to have a collaborative mindset and commit to the following basic principles.

  1. Rebuilding communities: We believe that investment is needed in our local communities to enhance local distinctiveness, deliver affordable and social housing, create safe and pleasant public spaces and support independent traders and local centres.
  2. Looking after our environment: We will protect Poole’s wonderful parks, heaths and harbour, and promote biodiversity within our urban environment. BCP Council has declared a Climate Emergency and we recognise the urgent need to deliver the Council’s carbon neutral targets, and to prepare for more extreme weather arising from changes to climate.
  3. Improving local infrastructure: We will enhance Poole’s heritage assets while
    facilitating community-orientated regeneration. Much of the control is with developers, but it is important that Community benefits from development are maximised. We need to attract more businesses to Poole to deliver well paid jobs. We need to attract investment from Government for improving our public space, and encourage more people to walk, cycle and use public transport for congestion, environmental, community cohesion and health reasons.
  4. Promoting wellbeing: Good mental and physical health is a key requirement for successful places. Additional investment in cultural, community and exercise facilities is therefore needed. We will also seek to embed a culture of wellbeing within the Council to enhance the experience of users of Adult Social Care, Children’s Services and other services.
  5. Strengthening democracy: Council processes need to be improved to promote transparency, consensus-building, community involvement and effective scrutiny. The Conservative Party forces its councillors to vote according its leader’s instructions, we will work to overcome its negative influence in election campaigns and Council.

These principles will facilitate the formation of any alliances with other parties within BCP Council and the development of policy positions.

If you are interested in the political makeup of BCP Council, and the Poole area in particular, then our Poole Politics page may help.