Hamworthy Poole People Councillor, Brian Hitchcock, has been working hard to get funding to repair the historic pier structure. Originally built to load clay from the Lake Clayworks, and later used in WWII to support refuelling of the flying boat operations in Poole Harbour, the decking and support structures are well used for viewing the harbour, fishing, and swimming from, but needed major repair. He was successful with an application to the Community Infrastructure Fund, which gets financial contributions from developments in the area to be spent on community facilities. This bid was undertaken together with one of his ward colleagues. The work is being completed over the winter of 2024 and should be finished by Spring 2025. The rock gabions along the front of the car-park have also been repaired alongside this work.
Poole People were also key to getting the repairs to the seawall at Hamworthy Park, which safeguards the promenade and open space with a new concrete retaining sea-wall.