Bus Station seating getting reinstalled

Tackling Antisocial Behaviour without loosing facilities

The Council, working with Police and other agencies has a tough and ongoing challenge in keeping facilities that are really important to the public, but which may be sometimes used or associated with anti-social behaviour (ASB). There has been lots of work at Poole Bus Station to address problems with groups of youths making the area unwelcoming for others. One of the actions proposed by the Police was to remove all the benches.

Your Poole Town Ward Councillors were consulted, and said that, no whilst we could understand the problems, these benches are especially used by many, especially our more elderly residents when waiting for a bus, and that we should keep the benches. Sadly they were removed, but we continued to work for their reinstatement.

It is felt that the ASB has reduced at the bus station, and we’re pleased to report that some benches have been reinstalled.



