• No confidence in Tory tricks

    No confidence in Tory tricks

    A Public petition came to BCP Council on Tuesday, “We Council Tax payers have lost all confidence in BCP Council’s leader and deputy and we call on them to resign now.” This has over 2000 signatures from local residents. Lots of comments on why people have signed, with a strong feeling that the Conservative administration…

  • Scathing Auditors Report on Conservative finances

    We recommend you listen to the last item on the Audit & Governance Committee’s agenda on Thurs 20th Oct 2022 – Auditor’s Value for Money Report – as it was a damning indictment on Conservative Cllr Mellor’s time as Leader of the Council. It gets interesting at 3 hours 2 mins until the end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtnGvvL4BKw In…

  • Poole Crematorium needs Cremators

    Poole Crematorium needs Cremators

    In the Covid period, the three gas cremators at Poole had fallen into a state of disrepair, and become inoperable. Although a significant sum has recently been spent on refurbishing the celebration hall, before the September Cabinet meeting, the Conservative Administration had proposed to wait 4 years to see what technologies would emerge in terms…

  • Oakdale Community Centre

    With the move of the Adult Education Centre from the old Oakdale School to the Dolphin Centre, we have lost the facilities that were previously used by the Oakdale Residents Community Association, and any wider community use of the site. Felicity, Pete and Andy all attended the sessions for the public regarding plans for the…

  • Mobile Phone mast blues

    Mobile Phone mast blues

    Residents of Waldren Close on Baiter Park were really upset when a Mobile phone company shared plans to site a huge 5G antenna very close to their properties, and got in touch with us. Unusually, there had been a prior informal approach from the company to Ward Councillors in advance of the application, and we…

  • Tackling Antisocial Behaviour without loosing facilities

    Tackling Antisocial Behaviour without loosing facilities

    The Council, working with Police and other agencies has a tough and ongoing challenge in keeping facilities that are really important to the public, but which may be sometimes used or associated with anti-social behaviour (ASB). There has been lots of work at Poole Bus Station to address problems with groups of youths making the…

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