• Gosse Mural unveiled

    Gosse Mural unveiled

    When in control of the Council, we succeeded in getting funding from Heritage England to support a Heritage Action Zone for Poole High Street. This enabled owners of a number of buildings to get grants to partly cover costs of restoration of their heritage buildings, especially the shop-fronts. It also enabled some community engagement events,…

  • Poole Maritime Christmas Lights Festival – first year

    Poole Maritime Christmas Lights Festival – first year

    After much prompting from your Poole People Councillors regarding better balance of the spend across the three towns on Christmas lights, we have been involved for months in preparations for the Maritime Christmas Lights Festival. This has been underway with meetings with businesses in the High Street and Quay since the summer. The event runs…

  • BCP Council Financial woes

    BCP Council Financial woes

    The Conservatives took over control of BCP Council in October 2019. The Leader, Councillor Drew Mellor is by trade a Venture Capitalist. He chose to be both Leader of the Council, and Financial Portfolio holder. These are usually the two biggest roles in the Council Administration, each a pretty full time commitment. He has chosen…

  • No confidence in Tory tricks

    No confidence in Tory tricks

    A Public petition came to BCP Council on Tuesday, “We Council Tax payers have lost all confidence in BCP Council’s leader and deputy and we call on them to resign now.” This has over 2000 signatures from local residents. Lots of comments on why people have signed, with a strong feeling that the Conservative administration…

  • Scathing Auditors Report on Conservative finances

    We recommend you listen to the last item on the Audit & Governance Committee’s agenda on Thurs 20th Oct 2022 – Auditor’s Value for Money Report – as it was a damning indictment on Conservative Cllr Mellor’s time as Leader of the Council. It gets interesting at 3 hours 2 mins until the end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtnGvvL4BKw In…

  • Poole Crematorium needs Cremators

    Poole Crematorium needs Cremators

    In the Covid period, the three gas cremators at Poole had fallen into a state of disrepair, and become inoperable. Although a significant sum has recently been spent on refurbishing the celebration hall, before the September Cabinet meeting, the Conservative Administration had proposed to wait 4 years to see what technologies would emerge in terms…

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